Cyber Soldier Mission 2/5


Picture this: you receive an email claiming you've won a luxurious Caribbean cruise (cue the steel drums). But before you start packing your sunscreen and flip-flops, consider the possibility that it's a cleverly disguised phishing attack. Cyber crooks are like cunning fishermen, casting their baited hooks into the digital sea, hoping to reel in unsuspecting prey.

Phishing comes in all shapes and sizes, from email, to texts and phone calls. Hackers can even slide into your DM's...

Phishing Example

Notice the items in the image squared by red boxes:

  1. The email is not from
  2. The email provides a suspicious link
  3. The email has a sense of urgency

We can look for these and other red flags such as spelling errors and grammar mistakes. Combine this with the three items from above and you will become a Cyber Soldier in no time!